

The Rainbow Tablets books

“I ordered ‘The Rainbow Tablets’ and felt a portal open. I experienced heightened awareness and more synchronicity. The book was a great remembering and helped me to make sense of so many puzzle pieces. Things started to come into focus. It will certainly be a guidebook for life!”

— Cara, United States

“I love this book! I could not put it down until I had read cover to cover. Now I am going to re-read and expect to receive even more. I definitely resonated with the information Sia-Lanu shared. At times I felt waves of energy flowing through me. Other times brought me almost to tears. It has been a long time (if ever) I have read a book that has had such an impact on me.”

— Phil, United States

“A friend introduced me to these works and I cannot tell you the positive affect they have had upon my journey. The channeled material and the personal stories at the beginning of each section are just brilliant. Full of wisdom and insight that totally resonated with my own finding up until now. Forever grateful for these books.”

— Amazon customer, United Kigdom

“This book has had a profound impact on me. It changes everything – good days, bad days, attachments. Little thoughts and experiences I’ve had throughout my life are being pulled together. I knew this book was going to be special, but this is next level.”

— Joey, Australia

Rainbow Tablets Mystery School

“Wow! The Rainbow Tablets Mystery School is multi-dimensional journey that has not only unlocked doors to untold mysteries, but to my heart. I’m now able to access with love and understanding, these breathtaking energies and galactic wisdom that have always belonged to me. It takes work. But Sia-Lanu guides you, holds you and nurtures you through these powerful activations in such a way that you know the leap of faith is always the way to go. It is the most soul-affirming path and I know my light will shine brighter for the benefit of all humanity and beyond.”

— Judith, United Kingdom

"The Rainbow Tablets Mystery School lessons are more personal, tangible and perpetual than anything I have experienced before. Everything I learned in these lessons will stay with me. And what I have released will stay away. These experiences are multidimensional and expansive and go beyond all the limitations of the world we live in. It has given me so much change, peace, insights, energy, remembering, improved health, confidence in my being and personal growth. I feel younger after each lesson. Every journey is pure magic and I look forward to the next lesson the whole week!"

— Sorayah, Netherlands

“Since starting the Rainbow Tablets Mystery School, I am ‘seeking’ no more. I have realised my own readiness, my own power, my own divinity. I handle situations with much more ease and clarity now. I weave my magic through my days and watch immediate outcomes. I feel a lot more connected with my inner guidance and a lot more positive about my decisions. And I am finally healing a chronic illness I have been suffering for the last five years. I remembered that life is a wondrous journey to be enjoyed! I couldn’t be more grateful that I have signed up and can’t wait for where the level will take us next.”

— Petra, United Kingdom

“Through the Rainbow Tablets Mystery School, the tools we develop and the gifts we unfold are beyond imagining. They bring real tangible experiences to this Earth plane. I now understand why I am here on earth. The connection with my team has grown tenfold. I will never be the same! When I first heard of this offering, I knew this was something I wanted. But I was nervous too. Was I ready? Was I worthy? Could I make that commitment of time and resources? The answer from my heart was ‘YES’ and my answer still is, every day. If your heart is saying ‘YES’, listen. Quiet your fears and doubts and step into the beauty that awaits.”

— Stefanie, United States

Multidimensional Mastery & Sacred Embodiment

“I am in such awe and appreciation of this program. I have been popping ever since I started it. It is like I had been doing this puzzle for years and just not finding the right pieces. Now I am on an amazing roll and the pieces I have been searching for are practically laying themselves down! Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

— Christine, United States

“It’s transformed my whole life, my relationship and the reason I’m here. The amazing thing about the program is that it has these powerful activations. You need something to blast through the old patterns. But it is also all grounded through practical steps. That helps you integrate it into your everyday life, and come into that amazing, joyful place of being your authentic self. Sia is such an amazing teacher and I have so much gratitude.”

— Alistair, United Kingdom

“The program opened the door for deeper connection with my higher self. I feel almost a love affair with my soul. A deep sense of reverence, appreciation and gratitude. The tools I am taking with me will serve me for life. Sia-Lanu is a wonderful teacher with the ability to impact immediate practical change. We journeyed beyond anything I have accessed in my life-long practice so far. I feel so blessed to have answered the call!”

— Petra, United Kingdom

“I want to express my gratitude for the live workshop. It was exactly what I needed and the insights I received during and since have been profound. My awareness is immediately drawn to my inner world in a whole new way. It's like a new level of embodied responsibility for all of me. Much of this is moving from mental understanding into my embodied experience. It's liberating and I'm so grateful!”

— Kerry, South Africa

Peru Retreats

“The trip to Peru with Sia-Lanu and her team was literally out of this world. What a way to approach these sacred lands, being held and led by someone who knows them intimately and brings such love and reverence to them. Each hike was a spiritual medicine walk. Each offering to the awe-inspiring mountain spirits was authentic and deeply moving. And each ceremony was meaningful and inspiring. Sia-Lanu was able to unite us all every morning with a beautiful visualization practice and help us transform from a group of strangers to deeply connected and supportive friends. She made us feel safe and supported, and at the same time encouraged us to push beyond our limits. This pilgrimage with her left me empowered and liberated to an extent I could not have imagined. It will forever stay with me.”

— Heide, United States

“Going on this Peru retreat felt like going to a higher dimension. It was a wonderful, magical, connecting, inspiring, beautiful, expansive, healing experience from start to finish. Each part of the retreat brought its own gifts, expansion, wisdom and knowing in a natural flowing way. My overall feeling at the end was one of wholeness and a deep change that is hard to put into words. Sia created such a magical and safe container for the group, allowing the group to be so in unity and togetherness. The Peruvian guides were so lovely and inspirational in their unconditional love for Peru and the sacred sites, sharing their knowledge, wisdom and joy in a way that seemed so effortless. I would thoroughly recommend to anyone."

— Julie, United Kingdom

“I went to Peru seeking what I considered to be an authentic spiritual experience. Sia and Auqui were the perfect facilitators for this journey. With a centering meditation invoking the Rainbow Pyramid most mornings, meditative hikes, heart-opening plant medicine experiences, an activation at Apu Ausangate, and a morning Kintu offering at Apu Waqrapukura, I had the experience that I craved. And I received a direct communication from Source. I am validated, healed, and aware of my responsibility to carry the light forward in this dimension to further the awakening that is happening before our very eyes.  This was a direct result of the great work that Sia and her crew did. Thank you!”

— Corey, United States

“The Peru retreat with Sia-Lanu far exceeded my expectations. Sia meticulously planned and organised the tour. She communicated excellently throughout and led the group with pure professionalism from start to finish. The retreat has enlivened and validated so much of the work I have been doing for years. I have felt even more empowered and authentically alive to share my message with the world than ever before. The ceremonies, the sacred sites that we visited, the Apus, the special group of souls that were helping, and the beautiful souls on the retreat, all moved through our time together with such love, respect and grace. It feels like the whole experience is still alive in my blood and bones. Thank you, Sia-Lanu, Auqui and the team – you are AWESOME.”

– Suzanne, United Kingdom

Egypt Retreats

“The Egypt retreat with Sia-Lanu Estrella was one of the most transformative experiences of my life. I stepped into new gifts and awareness. I felt nourished and supported. And I feel empowered now at home to create projects I hadn’t dreamed of before. Each day got better than the one before, magical experience after magical experience. There was a great balance of adventure and rest, personal time and community time, and luxury and more grounded environments. The group of souls gathered was remarkable. I can’t imagine experiencing these sacred lands with a more beautiful leader.”

— Violet, United States

“The man at the end of this journey is not the same one who began it. Anyone can walk this path through Egypt. But to experience it through this group container is something powerful and rare. This entire retreat has been a transformational journey from which I emerge a deeper, more embodied, intentional and aligned version this being. Feeling this present moment now connected and called to from a future point of love, strength and integrity.”

— Greg, United States

“What I have been able to uncover about myself, the way I show up in the world, and the contract I have with my family lineage has been beyond life changing. I never thought it was possible to expand and grow in such a short amount of time. But in this retreat, time doesn’t exist and it allows you to really tap into all the rainbow frequencies within yourself. Sia provided some amazing tools that allow your soul to radiate through at its highest expression. Thank you, Sia-Lanu, for holding such sacred space and allowing us all to tap into the fullness that we are.”

— Kasey, United States

“I was also so impressed with Sia-Lanu. She packed so much value into this trip, far exceeding its monetary exchange. She was accessible and offered one-on-one sessions at the beginning and end of the trip. She checked in with us regularly as the sites and experiences lead to integrations and emotional shifts. And she shared a handful of meditation journeys that could only be described as priceless. I would not only recommend this experience to others but would gladly attend again. My heart and soul have expanded exponentially and the gratitude I now embody is hard to express in words.”

— Kristen, United States


“Sia individualizes this one-on-one mentorship and takes immense care to fully support the individual she’s working with. She helps bring out your own unique gifts and abilities and guides you in how to continue healing and connecting to the multiverse beyond the mentorship. I have leaped timelines using her guidance, and become more magical, connected and empowered than I ever thought possible.”

— Sari, United States

“Sia-Lanu Estrella provided the missing piece for me to integrate and pull together the knowledge and experiences I’ve acquired over the years. In a gentle and beautiful way, we explored the beliefs and patterns that were keeping me from my highest service. Sia-Lanu shared advice and practices that allowed me to understand my gifts and how to bring them into the world. Working with Sia-Lanu has changed my life and I am forever grateful."

— Antonia, United States

“When we first began, I was at a crossroads in my life. Through the guidance that Sia-Lanu Estrella gave me to truly follow my inner guidance, I have now come to a place of awakened clarity. I trust myself and am connecting with my guides. My life has transformed throughout this program. The teachings and gentle guidance have accelerated this process beyond what I could have imagined.”

— Rae, United Kingdom

“Sessions and ‘work’ with Sia have always been fun, humour-filled and rewarding. Her guidance has helped me align to a higher self and timeline. I feel our work together really unlocked my ability to be of the highest service and live a more meaningful life. Also, life has changed in magical ways since I began the mentorship. I feel I can share anything in our container, with great support and privacy. If you are fortunate enough to have the opportunity to work with Sia, I recommend it wholeheartedly.”

— Leo, Australia