The RainbowTablets™ books

Beyond words, these books are a transformational experience


“It is time to open the gates. The Rainbow Tablets are the gates to wholeness, unification, divine love. This is the Rainbow Frequency – the biggest uniting force in the multiverse. Now is the great awakening; the great remembering. The Unification. It is the way to end all suffering, all separation, all duality and all ‘time’.

“This is the best part of the experiment – the remembering and return to your Rainbow Frequency, the All-essence. Enjoy it. You have endured eons in separation waiting for this moment. Let it be joyous. Feel all of it! That moment of remembering yourself is pure bliss.” –– The Rainbow Tablets

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“I love this book! I could not put it down until I had read cover to cover. Now I am going to reread and expect to receive even more. At times I felt waves of energy flowing through me. Other times brought me almost to tears. It has been a long time (if ever) since I have read a book that has had such an impact on me. Thank you, Sia-Lanu, for everything!”

– Phil, United States

Now is the time to remember. Your greatest power and cosmic wisdom lie within. And if you have come upon this manuscript, it’s because you’re ready to start creating the life you desire – one of love, abundance and fulfilment.

This transformational book supports your highest embodiment through nine core areas: our cosmic history, time and multi-dimensionality, living from the heart, nurturing your energetic and physical bodies, ego death, unifying the divine feminine and divine masculine, divine union, twin flames and soul contracts, and sacred sexuality.

Reading ‘The Rainbow Tablets’ is an empowering and activating journey back to wholeness. And that moment of remembering yourself is pure bliss!

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“‘The Rainbow Tablets: Journey back to wholeness’ has had a profound impact on me. It changes everything – good days, bad days, attachments. Little thoughts and experiences I’ve had throughout my life are being pulled together. I knew this book was going to be special, but this is next level.”

– Joey, Australia

Deep within you lies a spark of knowing — that there is a far more magical expression of relationships and sex yet to be unlocked. And this book is the key. Life-changing for all who read it, this is an expansive journey of healing and awakening.

Every single being on Earth, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation, has the power to restore divine union and sacred sexuality to Earth. This expression of your creator force energy is how you return to wholeness within and manifest with great mastery, whether you are single or with a partner. As well as big-picture cosmic remembering, this book gifts you grounded tools and practices to bring about embodied change.

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“This book, like the first Rainbow Tablets, is a refreshing, magical journey into healing remembrances. It shook me up completely, in a very good way. Sia-Lanu’s personal stories combined with the channeled messages are like nothing I have ever read. And I want more!”

– Rachel, Canada


A must-read for all who are ready to live and love in higher consciousness and greater co-creation.

“In order to come into divine union with another, each must first come into divine union within. They must each be deeply in tune with what they need to release, heal, activate and awaken. The journey can be taken together but not done together.

“As well as the big-picture, higher cosmic remembering, we will gift you grounded tools and practices to bring about embodied change. This will prepare you to step into sacred sexuality and unlock its magic.

“We will expose the illusions, showing you the programs, distortions and ploys of control and disempowerment that are at play to keep you away from this remembering. This will empower you to liberate yourself.

“We will take you into the deep and powerful remembering of divine union. This will show you how to embody divine union within and with another.

“We will restore the remembering of the divine purpose and role of gender and sexuality. And we will unveil the greater mysteries around the womb and pregnancy as divine co-creation with the cosmic realms.

“All of this will reawaken the essence of purity and power that is beckoning you. Sacred sexuality is the experience of being able to effortlessly move through time and dimensions. It is the experience of weaving your magic and creating as the creator force. You are literally creating with love, from love and as love itself.”

– The Rainbow Race


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"‘The Rainbow Tablets: Divine union and sacred sexuality’ is so activating. It has a rhythm to it much like sacred sexuality itself. Laying the foundation in the beginning. Gaining awareness and insight in the following chapters. Then an enticing foreplay to climax. This is a revelation for men and women alike. Absolutely divine!”

– Dr Carol Haddad, United States