Rainbow Tablets™
Mystery School
Join the waitlist now
“This is the time to unlock cosmic mysteries and cosmic wisdom beyond anything you have known. You are restoring the fullness of the Master Creator that you are. All has led to this moment.”
Ra-Horakhty, Egyptian and Sirius star being

“The Rainbow Tablets Mystery School has had a deep and profound effect on me. It has forever changed the way I relate to the world and myself.
"I feel empowered now as the co-creator of my reality and I have a deeper love and acceptance for myself. Life feels more natural and flows easier. I finally have a deep remembrance returning, that I know will continue to expand. What I particularly love about Sia-Lanu’s offerings is that they awaken deep knowing, inner sensations and connections beyond the mind and words.”
Julie, United Kingdom
You hold the cosmic mysteries within.
Now is the time to claim them
The Rainbow Tablets Mystery School is a gift from the Rainbow Race. What it unlocks for us cannot be translated into words. And it cannot be reached through the mind. This level of multidimensionality and cosmic wholeness must be accessed through experience. This is a call from your soul – something you have been working towards over many lifetimes. The ego might say you are not ready or worthy. But do not indulge its limitations. Your resounding ‘yes’ comes not from your head, but from the portal of your heart.
When you choose to rediscover the depths of these cosmic gifts, you become the anchor point for the remembering. You come into the greatest embodiment of yourself as a Master Creator. It brings ease, magic, joy and fulfilment to your daily life. It empowers you to dream and manifest beyond limitations. And it completely transforms the way you experience the world.
This might feel ‘big’. But think back to your early years and those moments of remembering along your journey.
- Perhaps you had a sense of being on Earth for a higher purpose.
- Maybe you knew there was magic and greater possibilities.
- Or you felt confused about the way people treated each other.
- Maybe you knew there was a more loving and magical way to live.
- And, deep down, you know you have more gifts to unlock.
You have been right, all along. It is through your own embodiment that you restore the magic, love, abundance and unity to Earth. You remember yourself as a Master Creator. You reclaim your sovereignty. And this return to paradise within creates paradise on Earth.
The Rainbow Tablets Mystery School is currently full. But the next one opens soon. Join the waitlist now – email [email protected]
Live your highest expression
This incredible journey is a joyous co-creation across realms. Come together with like-hearted soul family live online each week as we reclaim our cosmic wisdom. And experience the power and beauty of taking this journey together across two powerful levels.
Level 1: Unlocking the fabric of multidimensionality
Guided by the Sirius star beings & Rainbow Race
Weave with sacred geometry – sacred geometry and sound are the fabric of the multiverse. When you understand how to actively work with this at higher levels than ever before, you literally shape your reality.
Activate the power of the Ankh – the Ankh is an interdimensional portal. Once you know how to co-create with it, the possibilities are limitless.
Awaken streams of consciousness – our Sirius guides share multiple layers of how to recognise and release lower streams of consciousness, access the higher streams, and even create your own. This is grounded cosmic weaving at its most masterful.
Encode and transform your body – your body is a transmission tower. When you understand how to harness this, you can heal yourself at miraculous levels, harness great vitality and manifest through your physical vessel.
Discover the real Atlantean connection with crystals – what we thought we knew, is not so. Meet the Atlantean Keepers of the Crystal Codex and discover the higher power of co-creating with crystals.
Experience other universes through the elements – once you tap into the cosmic role and wisdom of the elements, you unlock an experience of the world and multiverse that is ‘beyond words’.
Level 2: Living and weaving as a Master Creator
Guided by the Lyran star beings & Rainbow Race
After completing Level 1, we were all left thinking, “What could possibly be beyond this? How could there be more?” But the Lyrans stepped in and blew our minds, every week.
At these highest levels of cosmic wisdom, it must be experienced and lived into. So it cannot be reduced to words. There is ‘time travel’ and time alchemy, weaving with the golden source codes, abundance activations and having the hidden light cities on Earth reveal themselves. This continued journey of embodying the cosmic mysteries is more liberating, empowering and meaningful that you could ever imagine. And walking Earth as the Gods and Goddesses once more, is something we have waited lifetimes to re-embody.
Level one is 10 x 1.5 hour live online sessions. There is a break for integration. Then you can move up to level two if you choose. The Mystery School includes live sharing time and a private online community group for between sessions. Witnessing each other’s journeys brings insights, inspiration and connection. And you can download recordings of the sessions so you can revisit them.
The Rainbow Tablets Mystery School is currently full. But the next one opens soon. Join the waitlist now – email [email protected]
“When your intentions are pure and open to the greatest magic of the multiverse, you are creating as the creator force – the ultimate fabric of co-creation. We know this is a big concept. But we wish to help you start to align with the cosmic nature of yourself as a creator. There are no limitations. The power of co-creation is infinite.”
The Rainbow Tablets
How the program is delivered
The cosmic mysteries must be experienced in order to be unlocked. So this is a live program and powerful shared journey. It is a new way of shaping your reality on Earth. Although the concepts and wisdom are cosmic, they are delivered through grounded tools and practices. That’s what creates such a powerful transformation.

1. Weekly live sessions with Sia-Lanu Estrella
We will come together live online for 10 weeks. Then you can choose if you wish to continue to Level 2. Sessions include a multidimensional journey with revelations, tools and activations from the Sirians, Lyrans, Rainbow Race and more. Plus there is time for sharing and questions. If you can’t make it live one week, you’ll be able to access the replay. Join the waitlist for the next group now.

2. Group integration
Just over halfway through level one, there is a group integration session with powerful insights and tools to help you embody and apply all that you have awakened. Plus, you can download the recordings each week. You can revisit each journey as often as you like. Past clients are still receiving so much from the Mystery School journeys a year later!

3. Community and connection
You are not doing this alone. This is a gathering of soul family, all activating and lifting each other. There is such power in coming together. This is why humans have a strong tradition of talking circles and gathering around the fire. Through a private online group, you can share your journeys, ask questions and witness each other.

Hi, I’m Sia-Lanu Estrella
As a child, I felt connected to everything and saw the magic all around me. Then, like most, I learned to conform. For a decade, I excelled in my corporate career. I was ‘succeeding at life’.
But always underneath, there was a yearning for something more… More authentic. More fulfilling. More magical. Then one day, the whispers of my heart became giant roars.
Now I’m the author and channel of the internationally acclaimed Rainbow Tablets books. Australian-born, I lived in Peru for three years before moving to the United Kingdom. I see clients transform their lives through my programs and mystery school. And I share cosmic retreats across the world.
Most importantly, my life is full of love, abundance, joy and the sacred. And I literally create my highest reality.
I could go into how I awakened my star codes and rediscovered deep connections with my Sirius and Lyran star family and the Rainbow Race. But that’s a novel in itself. So I will just share that the journey has been profound.
Witnessing the life-changing expansion for people like you through the the Rainbow Tablets Mystery School is soul igniting. This is the activation of your true cosmic nature, so you can walk your highest path. And no doubt it is why you have found yourself here on this page.
Every single one of us is a master creator. YOU are a master creator. I’m so excited to help you to unlock your gifts and reclaim your multidimensional mastery!